REFSQ 2023
Mon 17 - Thu 20 April 2023 Barcelona, Spain
VenueBarcelona, Catalunya, Spain
Room nameLlívia
Room InformationNo extra information available

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Tue 18 Apr

Displayed time zone: Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris change

11:00 - 12:30
Session R2 - NLP and ML for RE IResearch Papers at Llívia
Chair(s): Sallam Abualhaija University of Luxembourg
Technical design
Using Language Models for Enhancing the Completeness of Natural-language Requirements
Research Papers
P: Dipeeka Luitel University of Ottawa, A: Shabnam Hassani University of Ottawa, A: Mehrdad Sabetzadeh University of Ottawa, D: Sarmad Bashir RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Scientific evaluation
Requirement or not, that is the question: A case from the railway industry
Research Papers
P: Sarmad Bashir RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, A: Muhammad Abbas Khan RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB, A: Mehrdad Saadatmand RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, A: Eduard Paul Enoiu Mälardalen University, A: Markus Bohlin Mälardalen University, A: Pernilla Lindberg Alstom, D: Dipeeka Luitel University of Ottawa
DOI Pre-print
14:00 - 15:30
Session R4 - Requirements and App Review ClassificationResearch Papers at Llívia
Chair(s): Maya Daneva University of Twente
Technical design
Requirements classification using fastText and BETO in Spanish documents
Research Papers
P: Maria Isabel Limaylla Lunarejo Universidade da Coruña, A: Nelly Condori-Fernández Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, A: Miguel Rodríguez Luaces Universidade da Coruña, D: Michelle Binder University of Cologne, D: Annika Vogt University of Cologne
File Attached
Technical design
Automatically Classifying Kano Model Factors in App Reviews
Research Papers
P: Michelle Binder University of Cologne, P: Annika Vogt University of Cologne, A: Adrian Bajraktari University of Cologne, A: Andreas Vogelsang University of Cologne, D: Maria Isabel Limaylla Lunarejo Universidade da Coruña
16:00 - 17:30
Session R6 - RE for Automotive and Mission-Critical SystemsResearch Papers at Llívia
Chair(s): Erik Kamsties FH Dortmund
Scientific evaluation
Requirements Engineering for Automotive Perception Systems
Research Papers
P: Khan Mohammad Habibullah University of Gothenburg, A: Hans-Martin Heyn University of Gothenburg & Chalmers University of Technology, A: Gregory Gay Chalmers | University of Gothenburg, A: Jennifer Horkoff Chalmers and the University of Gothenburg, A: Eric Knauss Chalmers | University of Gothenburg, A: Markus Borg CodeScene, A: Alessia Knauss Zenseact AB, A: Hakan Sivencrona Zenseact AB, A: Polly Jing Li Kognic AB, D: Murat Erdogan Veoneer, Linköping
Vision and Emerging Results
Out-of-Distribution detection as Support for Autonomous Driving Safety Lifecycle
Research Papers
P: Murat Erdogan Veoneer, Linköping, A: Jens Henriksson Semcon, dept. Software and Emerging Tech, Gothenburg, A: Stig Ursing Semcon, dept. Software and Emerging Tech, Gothenburg, A: Fredrik Warg RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, A: Anders Thorsén RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, A: Johan Jaxing Agreat, Gothenburg, A: Ola Örsmark Comentor, Gothenburg, A: Mathias Örtenberg Toftås Semcon, dept. Software and Emerging Tech, Gothenburg, D: Thomas Pressburger NASA ARC
Experience report
Authoring, Analyzing, and Monitoring Requirements for a Lift-Plus-Cruise Aircraft
Research Papers
P: Thomas Pressburger NASA ARC, A: Andreas Katis KBR / NASA Ames Research Center, A: Aaron Dutle NASA Langley Research Center, A: Anastasia Mavridou KBR / NASA Ames Research Center, D: Khan Mohammad Habibullah University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Thu 20 Apr

Displayed time zone: Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris change

11:00 - 12:30
Session R8 - RE in Practice & Goal ModellingResearch Papers at Llívia
Chair(s): Maya Daneva University of Twente
Experience report
Knowns and Unknowns: An Experience Report on Discovering Tacit Knowledge of Maritime Surveyors
Research Papers
P: Tor Sporsem SINTEF, A: Morten Hatling SINTEF Technology and Society, A: Anastasiia Tkalich SINTEF, A: Klaas-Jan Stol Lero; University College Cork; SINTEF Digital , D: Diane Hassett University of Limerick
Experience report
Feel It, Code It: Emotional Goal Modelling for Gender-Inclusive Design
Research Papers
P: Diane Hassett University of Limerick, A: Amel Bennaceur The Open University, A: Bashar Nuseibeh The Open University (UK) & Lero (Ireland), D: Lotte Mygind Mjølner Informatics
File Attached
Experience report
A Product Owner's Navigation in Power Imbalance Between Business and IT: An Experience Report
Research Papers
P: Lotte Mygind Mjølner Informatics, A: Jens Bæk Jørgensen Mjølner Informatics, A: Lutz Prechelt Freie Universität Berlin, D: Tor Sporsem SINTEF
File Attached
Journal Early-Feedback
Towards End-to-end Merging of Goal Models
Research Papers
P: Alicia M. Grubb Smith College, A: Anisha Jain Smith College, A: Xinran Bi Smith College, A: Kathleen R. Hablutzel Smith College, D: Paola Spoletini Kennesaw State University, D: Daniel Amyot University of Ottawa
14:00 - 15:30
Session R10 - Security Requirements and Best Poster and ToolResearch Papers at Llívia
Chair(s): Sallam Abualhaija University of Luxembourg, Elda Paja IT University of Copenhagen

Elda will chair the part of the session dedicated to the scientific papers, and Sallam will chair the best poster and best tool

Research preview
Understanding the Role of Human-Related Factors in Security Requirements Elicitation
Research Papers
P: Jason Jaskolka Carleton University, A: Sanaa Alwidian Ontario Tech University, D: Roman Trentinaglia Fraunhofer IEM
Experience report
Eliciting Security Requirements - an Experience Report
Research Papers
P: Roman Trentinaglia Fraunhofer IEM, A: Sven Merschjohann Fraunhofer IEM, A: Markus Fockel Fraunhofer IEM, A: Hendrik Eikerling Fraunhofer IEM, D: Jason Jaskolka Carleton University
Journal Early-Feedback
The Relationship between Team Climate and Implementation of Security in Software Development
Research Papers
A: Irit Hadar University of Haifa, P: Micha Prudjinski University of Haifa, A: Gil Luria University of Haifa, D: Paola Spoletini Kennesaw State University, D: Daniel Amyot University of Ottawa
Best Poster
Research Papers

Best Tool
Research Papers