Registered user since Wed 2 Dec 2020
Dr. Sallam Abualhaija is a research scientist at SnT centre for Security, Reliability, and Trust, University of Luxembourg. Previously, she worked as a postdoctoral researcher at L3S research centre in Hannover (2016-2017), where she contributed to K3-project (“krisenkommunikation in social Netzwerke”); a joint project on social media analysis during crises in collaboration with different relief organizations in Germany. She is currently leading projects at SnT in close engagement with industry partners form diverse sectors. Abualhaija received her PhD in computer science (2016) at Hamburg University of Technology (Germany) on solving Word Sense Disambiguation using bio-inspired optimization methods. Her research combines the fields of AI with software engineering with a focus on natural language processing, information extraction, machine learning, requirements engineering, legal and regulatory compliance.
Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ)
- Session Chair of Session R2 - NLP and ML for RE I (part of Research Papers)
- Session Chair of Session R10 - Security Requirements and Best Poster and Tool (part of Research Papers)
- Posters and Tools Co-Chair in Posters and Tools Co-Chairs within the Posters and Tools -track
- Committee Member in Programme Committee within the Research Papers-track
- Posters and Tools Co-Chair in Organizing Committee
- Session Chair of Posters & tools exhibition (part of Posters and Tools )
- Session Chair of Posters & tools exhibition (part of Posters and Tools )
- Session Chair of Posters & tools pitches (part of Posters and Tools )
- Session Chair of Posters & tools exhibition (part of Posters and Tools )
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