REFSQ 2023
Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain, April 17-20, 2023

Barbara Paech

Barbara Paech Explicit and Implicit Values in and of Requirements Engineering practice and research. Which human values are important for us as requirements engineers and requirements engineering researchers? Do we know about our values? Which customers do we have and what are their values? How do all these values influence each other? In this talk I will reflect on these questions and give examples based on roughly 30 years of experience. Furthermore, I will provide my view on how human values can shape future requirements engineering practice and research.

Dr. Barbara Paech holds the chair "Software Engineering“ at Heidelberg University, Germany. Her teaching and research focuses on methods and processes to ensure quality of software with adequate effort. Since many years, she is particularly active in the area of requirements and rational engineering focusing on the humans involved. Based on her experiences as department head at the Fraunhofer Institute Experimental Software Engineering her research is often empirical and in close cooperation with industry. She has headed several industrial, national and international research and transfer projects and has served several functions (including invited talks, program co-chair, steering committee member) at well-known requirements-engineering events such as RE or REFSQ. She is founding member of the International Requirements Engineering Board (IREB) and member of the Computer Science review board of the German National Research Funding Society (DFG). She was spokeswoman of the section “Software Engineering” in the German computer science society and has headed the advisory board of study affairs of the representation of German Computer Science study programs “Fakultätentag Informatik”.

She holds a PhD in Computer Science from the Ludwig-Maximilans-Universität München and a Habilitation in Computer Science from the Technical Universität München.


Email: paech (at)

Alessia Knauss and Håkan Sivencrona

Alessia Knauss Hakan Sivencrona

Software and System Safety Aspects and Requirements for Autonomous Vehicles. To deliver a highly autonomous vehicle, usually called automated driving system (ADS), there are different dimensions of requirements that need to be met to guarantee safety and acceptability. This concerns basically everything from legal aspects, standards, and customer expectations. As with many fields of application, new paradigms exist to develop and maintain software products. Just to mention a few: 1) Using AI in software development, e.g., for the perception of the environment, 2) Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) as an enabler for an efficient ODD expansion, i.e. frequently your car becomes better and can handle ever more demanding situations, and 3) the agile way of working, allowing for a more flexible approach with the opportunity for updates as increasing amounts of data is available from the fleet. These new paradigms are also bearing some challenges, for example, an extensive architecture that we need to deal with, as well as compliance with standards that are not always in line with the agile way of working, but also new standards that focus on AI. How should we be able to argue that all components and their integration is safe, or rather, that we have a predictive safety case?

The talk will give an overview of standards that needs to be considered for ADS and reflect on some of the challenges w.r.t. the new paradigms, specifically as inspiration to the requirements research community.

Dr. Håkan Sivencrona is Chief Safety Officer at Zenseact, a Volvo car subsidiary. Zenseact focuses on ADAS and (un)supervised driving. Håkan has worked with ADAS and AD since 2005 and holds a PhD from Chalmers University from 2004. Currently, he is working with strategies for self-driving and is also involved in several research projects and standardizations, such as ongoing TS 5083 and UL 4600. In his standardization commitment, he is one of the founding fathers of the SOTIF-standard (safety of the intended function) and the SEooC part of ISO 26262, Safety Element out of Context.

Dr. Alessia Knauss is a requirements engineer and researcher at Zenseact, where she is involved in several research projects related to human factors, driver-autonomous vehicle interactions, and requirements engineering for AI-based systems. Alessia received a PhD degree on the topic of Requirements Engineering for Adaptive systems from the University of Victoria, Canada in 2015. She has been a Postdoctoral fellow at Chalmers University of Technology, investigating testing challenges for autonomous vehicles before working with Autoliv/Veoneer as a research specialist and requirements engineer. Her main research interest lies at the intersection of users and autonomous systems/IT Ecosystems, including system adaptation to user needs with the help of AI.

Klaas-Jan Stol

Klaas-Jan Stol The ABC of Requirements Engineering Research. The choice of research strategy for studies is an important decision, and while there has been considerable attention for different research methods, there has been little reflection those decisions. In this talk I will reflect on research strategies in requirements engineering, and highlight the importance of trade-offs.

Dr. Klaas-Jan Stol is a Senior Lecturer with University College Cork (UCC) in Ireland, a Funded Investigator with Lero, the Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for Software, a Scientific Advisor with SINTEF, Norway, and a Member of the Board of Directors of the InnerSource Commons. His research focuses on contemporary software development methods and communities, including open source and inner source communities, with particular attention for understanding, evaluation and theorising these phenomena. Klaas holds a PhD from the University of Limerick.


Email: k.stol (at)