REFSQ 2023
Mon 17 - Thu 20 April 2023 Barcelona, Spain

REFSQ: The European Conference on Requirements Engineering

The REFSQ working conference is the leading European conference series on requirements engineering. It is the goal of REFSQ to foster the creation of a strong European RE community across industry and academia. Since 1994, when the first REFSQ took place, Requirements Engineering continued to be a dominant factor influencing the quality of software, systems and services. REFSQ seeks contributions which report on novel ideas and techniques that enhance the quality of RE‘s products and processes, as well as reflections on current research.

REFSQ has a long tradition of being a highly structured and interactive forum. The special format of each session includes the three roles presenter, discussant, and session chair, yielding into highly interactive sessions, filled with discussions among the excellent researchers and industry experts.

Besides a high-quality scientific program, REFSQ also features a highly interactive Industry Track, a Doctoral Symposium and Workshops matching the demand and supply of emipirical studies on Requirements Engineering among researchers and practitioners.

Your Sponsorship

By supporting REFSQ as a sponsor, you take an excellent opportunity to spread your brand and company values across a large community of excellent researchers and industry experts of the Requirements Engineering domain.

Choose one of the several sponsorship packages Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze.

Platinum Gold Silver Bronze
(Ind. Day only)
4.000€ 2.500€ 1.500€ 1.000€
Free attendance to REFSQ 2023 conference 3 2 1 1
Sponsor's name and logo on REFSQ 2023 website Yes Yes Yes Yes
Space for a sponsor roll-up poster in different conference spaces Yes Yes Yes Yes
Sponsor's logo appearing in proceedings (with mention of type of sponsorship) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Sponsor’s name mentioned in opening & closing sessions Yes Yes Yes -
Advertisement pages provided by the sponsor in the conference bag 2 1 1 1
Presence of the sponsor logo in a prominent way next to the REFSQ 2023 image during the conference Yes Yes - -


Xavier Franch

e-Mail: franch (at)

Tel: +34 934137891

Address: UPC - Campus Nord, Omega building, room 122, C/Jordi Girona Salgado 1-3, E-08034 Barcelona