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Ricardo Alonso Maturana (Bilbao, 1962) is a Philosophy graduate from the University of Deusto and PhD in Sociology by UNED, is the founder and CEO of GNOSS, a technological company dedicated to the construction and exploitation of knowledge graphs, which he founded in 2002 with the conviction of contributing to the technological development and digital transformation of society is possible from anywhere in the world; also, from Spain.
Ricardo A. Maturana, has been responsible for the direction, design, and conceptualisation of the GNOSS project, its main successful cases, and its services. He is also the promoter of Didactalia, a web of linked educational data with more than 100,000 useful resources that, through GNOSS cognitive technologies, offers intelligent educational services to improve teaching and learning processes.
Maturana conceptualized, imagined, and managed the most important projects of digital transformation of organizations, carried out by GNOSS in recent years for clients such as: the Prado National Museum, National Heritage, National Library of Spain, Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations, BBVA, Santillana Group, University of Deusto, Government of the Basque Country, Government of Aragon or Government of La Rioja among others.
Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ)
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