Registered user since Thu 25 Aug 2016
Ana Moreira is an Associate Professor with Habilitation at FCT NOVA where she leads the Software Engineering team at NOVA LINCS research laboratory. Her main research topics are requirements engineering, architecture design, model-driven development, software quality, variability management, trade-off analysis, and sustainability engineering. She is, or was, a member of several editorial boards (e.g., TSE and SoSyM). She has been a member of the Steering Committee for ACM/IEEE UML/MODELS, IEEE RE, ACM AOSD/Modularity, PC member of numerous international conferences (e.g., ICSE, MODELS, RE, CAiSE), co-organizer of various international workshops, and co-founder of the international movements pUML and Early Aspects. She was Conference Chair for UML’04 and co-General Chair for RE 2017. She is, or has been, Program Committee Chair for AOSD’09, Foundations Track Chair for MODELS’13, ACM SAC-RE’20, ICT for Sustainability (ICT4S’20), ISD’21 Track Chair, and RE’21. She publishes regularly on her topics of research, earned some Best Paper Awards, co-authored the “Most Influential” paper for the past 10 years on Aspects, awarded in Fukuoka, Japan in 2013, and also co-authored the SoSyM Best 10 year Paper, which is the top award of SoSyM – top among all of the papers published over the past 10 years — to be awarded at the MODELS 2020 conference. For other details please check http://ctp.di.fct.unl.pt/~amm/.
Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ)
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